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What I can help with

Below are the areas of counselling I deal with.

Anxiety is used to describe feelings of worry, fear and unease. Typically, it incorporates both the emotional and physical sensations we experience when worried or nervous.

Talking to a counsellor can help you with anxiety, panic attacks and phobias by giving you ways of dealing with situations as they occur and exploring the cause of your feelings. 

Everyone has times when they feel low. Depression is when you feel this way for weeks or months at a time and it affects your ability to get on with and enjoy your life.

Talking to a counsellor can help you explore your feelings, acknowledge them and accept them.  They can support you to find your own ways to cope with what you are going through.

Stress is an adverse reaction to excessive pressure or situations you may face in your life. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed or overloaded by the demands placed upon you.

Stress is not always bad as it can be a good motivator. But if you are feeling overwhelmed by this stress for a long period of time it can impact on your mental and physical health.

Talking to a counsellor can help you explore and understand what is causing your stress. You can then work together to identify specific solutions that will help you to combat it.

Our sexuality and gender can form a big part of our identity and those who don’t fit society’s heteronormative ideal can come up against more challenges. Those who identify as LGBTQ+ can be seen as ‘different’ by some, facing discrimination, bullying and a lack of understanding which can lead to mental health concerns.

Talking to a counsellor can help with some of the difficulties you’re facing including the effects of bullying and discrimination.

Relationships are a key part of our lives. They bring happiness and support, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. When we encounter problems in our relationships, it can be difficult to know where to turn.

Talking to a counsellor can really make a difference in understanding why difficulties have arisen and how they can be made better.

Bereavement describes the sense of loss and grief we feel after the death of someone we care about.

It’s normal to experience a range of emotions, including anger, sadness, loneliness, guilt and anxiety during bereavement.

Talking to a counsellor can help you work through your feelings and help you come to terms with your loss.

Loss is not just about death; you could also lose a relationship, a job or your health. Losing someone or something you love is very painful and you may experience many difficult and emotions, such as shock, anger, grief and guilt.

Talking to a counsellor can help you work through your feelings and help you come to terms with your loss.

Abuse can take many forms and can cause physical and mental pain. It's often about someone (or something as in substance abuse) having power and control over you.  Anyone can be a victim of abuse and it can happen anywhere. Sometimes the abused individual is embarrassed, ashamed or even blames themselves.

Talking to a counsellor will provide a safe and confidential space to talk.  A place where there is no judgement.

Talking to a counsellor can help people who are abusing substances break the cycle.

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion which we all experience.  But it can cause a problem if it becomes a default emotion or, alternatively an emotion that is completely unexpressed.

Talking to a counsellor can help with anger as it gives you a place where you won’t be judged and can express and explore what you are feeling.

Loneliness is when you feel the quality of your relationships and social contact is not as good as you’d like it to be. You don’t have to be alone to feel lonely - people with lots of friends and family and active social lives can still feel lonely if they don’t have strong connections with the people around them.

Talking to a counsellor can help you to explore and understand how you’re feeling and give you coping skills to deal with your loneliness.

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